What????? A Build-a-Bear shark?? This is the first one we have had at the Plushie Wear Ranch!
Stadler is a stout fellow! Seems to be lots of Buff Fluff. Stadler and Dudley have spent some time discussing workouts and ways to keep your fluff buff. Stadler wants to be able to wear one of Dudley's special Buff Fluff shirts! We think he would look pawesome in it!
Stadler is approx 16" tall!
*Please note: "Adoptable Plushies" are not new. All have been abandoned and need new homes. They have been given spa treatment in preparation for their new home. Accessories / picture props not included with plushie adoption. Sizes vary and shipping can vary. Combining clothing purchases and adoptables or multiple items of clothing can save on shipping charges. If mailing overseas, recipient takes responsibility for any charges, taxes, and custom fees.
*Name Tags are added to all our adopted babies. Name tags are not suitable for children.