Our heart breaks every time we hear of another lost plushie. Some recovered, others lost FOREVER! We offer Plushie Wear ID to help families. We are selling ID tags to affix to your plushie with an ID number. Each registered plushie will have a unique ID number. Our Plushie Wear ID registry will hold all the contact information for the family in a secure location, in case of plushie emergency.
In today’s world, people are concerned about putting their personal information on a tag for all to see. The Plushie Wear ID tag will have contact information leading directly to us. Plushie Wear will then be able to contact the family to determine the best means of having the plushie returned. We will work with the families to coordinate the recovery mission.
Get your tag ordered to help feel more secure when out in public!!! Let's all stay as safe as possible friends!!